Monday, October 13, 2008

Step Brothers - Reviewed by Jadd Zayed

Step Brothers (2008) is a comedy movie starring Will Ferrel and John C. Reilly which focuses on two forty-year old adults who are forced to live together as step brothers when their parents marry.
Brennan Huff (Ferrel) is a sporadically employed loser who still lives with his mother Nancy, while Dale Doback (Reilly) is an unemployed forty year old who lives with his father Robert. When Nancy and Robert get married and move in together, Brennan and Dale are forced to live together as step brothers. At the thought of living with each other, immediately triggers them to hate each other. When they finally make up, they are confronted by their parents telling them that they must find jobs in two weeks, or they will not support them.
I was anticipating the release of this movie, and walked in the cinema expecting to laugh a lot as Will Ferrell’s movies have made me do in the past. I wasn’t disappointed. Seeing two step brothers fight in such an immature way is always funny to see is in a movie, but the fact that it is a bunch for forty year-olds who act the way eight year-olds would, just makes it that much funnier.
The film has a very solid, yet funny plot and cast which do an excellent job at creating a scenario of a brotherly fight. It is nice to see though that later in the movie they collaborate and it is at that time of the movie that, new characters are introduced.
Throughout the movie, I didn’t find any scenes that were perhaps boring, as they managed to fit some sort of joke in every single one of them. I laughed more than I had planned and have no complaints about it at all.
Before the movie had started I knew it would be funny, because of previous movies starring Ferrel and Reilly such as Talladega Nights which are equally as funny. So as soon as I had seen the trailer I knew this movie was not going to disappoint.
All together, the movie was funny and anyone who is in the mood for a lot of laughs should look no further and go see this movie.
Total Score: 8/10


jxu12 said...

Hey man, great review on the movie. Now i really want to watch it, but I'm under aged.

Unknown said...

nice review man im gonna see this movie soon

kmiche12 said...

good review jadd i wanna see the move even more now.

Mark said...

Good review i want to see the moview now that i read the review.

Frank said...

Nice review jadd, i wanna watch this now. Good work. :D

Alex said...

jadd thats really written well like a real review, now i wanna really see the movie